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First download the spreadsheet using the link/s above.
On the first page and tab of the spreadsheet, you are presented with a summary, where the charts will automatically populate as you start to input data.
From the screenshot above, circled in red, enter in your estimated income for the month ahead. Example regular income is your salary, the other income streams can include any other passive or active income you earn on a regular basis. Think of these estimates as your targets if unsure. (Note: you can rename these titles to better reference them later on. Regular Income > Salary. Other Income #1 > YouTube. Other Income #2 > Online Sales. Regular Income #3 > Dividends etc.)
On the table on the right-hand side, you can also edit the percentage of savings you wish to set aside, and the totals will update automatically. Just change the 20% to 10% or whatever number you wish, and it will spit out the dollar amount based on your estimated income.
Next move to the second sheet, “Categories”. Under each category, list down things that you regularly would spend. You can always come back to this, but for now, try input as much as you can. Most importantly in this step is to input things you would spend as bills and subscriptions, as we will need this for the next step. If you cannot see all categories, be sure to scroll to the right. Do not touch the first column (Income) as this automatically copies what you’ve entered on the first tab.
Moving onto the next sheet, “Fixed Expenses”. Here you will enter specifically your bills, subscriptions, or any other reoccurring expenses that are non-negotiable. Use the drop-down boxes in categories, and sub-categories. These drop-downs depend on the data you entered on the previous tab/step. (Note: you can scroll up and down in these drop-downs if you are stuck seeing blank options). Entering this information will also populate the fields in the first tab “Dashboard” and will start to total the figures to get an overall view on how much you have left after setting aside priorities.(double click images to enlarge them).